Saturday, December 20, 2008

That Cameron...

I'm not so sure he was built for sports. He had knee surgery this last summer because he tore his meniscus, a ligament, and damaged his ACL in his knee when he dislocated it hitting a ball in baseball. This, in itself, seemed like a freak accident but is nothing compared to this:

Cameron made the Varsity swim team. His coach praised his natural abilities and he quickly broke several records on his own team. He went to his first meet in pain and told me that he was sitting out because of some shoulder pain. He has been dealing with the pain from the first week of swim practice. It hurt pretty bad but everyone assumed it was muscle aches from the very strenuous practices. His coach asked him to do the swim, give it a try. Cameron did great. He came in 3rd and was only 2.5 seconds away from moving onto to State competition. Cam would have had no trouble qualifying if his shoulder felt better, had shaved his legs and also capped his hair on his head. The hair adds a lot resistance, and of course seconds to the time. So this is my time to brag about how great he is.

After the meet, their trainer told Cameron that he should probably talk with a doctor about the pain that he is feeling because it should have subsided with the time that he had off. And so we did. We went in and that doctor ordered xrays and a MRI. Once the MRI came back they were calling to get us into the surgeon right away because his injury was already left untreated for so long.

I don't know how it happened and no one can really explain it but Cameron chipped off part of the ball of his shoulder and it is floating around in there. They called it a fracture but it will not heal or subside in pain until it is secured back in place or removed and an artificial piece put in there. So here we are, less than a year from his last surgery, facing another surgery the beginning of January. And why would we assume swimming would be safer on his joints?

While we were speaking with Dr. Warner, I jokingly told him that maybe we should make him Cameron's family doctor. Well, he has seen Dr. Warner more than any other doctor. The receptionist teased back and told Cameron that if he comes there enough, they will just have to give him a job. Everyone, except Cam, made fun of his situation. Sorry Cam.

I am disappointed that he is out for the rest of the swimming season and was even more disappointed to hear that he would not, likely, be able to play baseball this year either. After 14 straight years of baseball, this will be the year that he is unable to return. This is a bummer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh NO STeven said I thought I told you. I was so excited for Cam and sure he was going to break records at the pool..YIKES as always parayers are with ya....and let Steven snow blow you have enough on your plate!!!!!