Cameron turns 16 and Triston turns 10.
This is a BIG year. Triston was very excited to hit the double digits. It was a much bigger deal to turn 10 than it was any other age thus far. As for Cameron, "16" what can I say...this is a year of a new independence and soooo close to adulthood.
Life has been busy with all of Terry's doctor appointments, Grandma Doris's doctor appointments, baseball, soccer, and my job hunting. We tried to keep the birthdays minimal and just had a couple Grandma's here to witness the candle blowing. A couple of the kid's friends ended up finding their way in for it too. I told the kids we will have a pool party this summer where they will each be able to invite friends. Hopefully the weather warms up so we can do that eventually.
Terry made Cameron's cake. He worked really hard on it and we only laughed at his struggles a few time. No one cared in the end what it looked like since it tasted so good :)

I spent a little more time on Triston and I also had Triston over my shoulder telling me everything that I was doing wrong. It was fun.

Can you tell, we love baseball?
Tris ton has a collection of Bakugon. That has been his thing this year. The picture shows him opening up a new case to put them in which will be super handy for taking them back and forth to school.

The real question of the day is whether or not Triston has enough money now. He has been saving his money for over a year.

He has been saving and saving for his very own laptop. Did I mention how disciplined he is? A month ago, the ice cream truck was rounding the corner and Triston came running in to ask for money. We told him to use his own money, he certainly had enough for an ice cream. Needless to say, he walked away crying. He was so upset because he wasn't willing to take a single cent out of his laptop money. He has more discipline than anyone I know. I would have bought the dang ice cream and made up the difference later. Way to go Triston!! It all worked out in his benefit anyway because Tara felt bad for him. She only had $5 compared to all of his hundreds but she could watch him suffer, and having a sweet tooth herself, knows the feeling of not being able to have ice cream when she wants it. So, Tara bought herself an ice cream and her brother. She's such a sweetie.
Cameron is just a big goof ball. I was really excited about the card that I got him and had the camera right on him (which he doesn't like). He decided he should model the card so I can snap hundreds of pictures of Cameron and the card doing different things. Here's one of them.
Yeap, he's a dork. Maybe he should go into catalogue sales or something. I'll run that by him as he researches colleges this next year :0

He finally did get down to business and opened the card. I was laughing like crazy, he didn't seem to think it was all that funny. Anyways, the card came with a brand new bumper sticker that he is able to remove the adhesive from and affix to his bumper. Here is what it looks like:

Does this imply that Cameron is a bad driver? Hmm, maybe this is why he wasn't laughing as hard as me lol. Sorry Cameron, I realize you are a pretty good driver but for those off time's, this sticker is perfect. I should also mention, he has been stressing the last couple of days about driving anyways because his drivers test is coming up next week and his whole life is riding on whether he passes it or not.
I am so proud of my boys. They are both growing into responsible young men. Love ya guys and happy, happy birthday.
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